Wow, five months! It's been a while since I've posted here and much has happened. Osama bin Laden is dead, some royal somebodies got married or something, and I've seen dozens of movies....some good, some bad.
The King's Speech won the Oscar for Best Picture for last year and deservedly so, although I would have preferred to see
Inception get that honor. However, I pretty much hate those ridiculous award shows anyway, so either way I'd find something to complain about. The best things are nearly always overlooked by the Hollywood establishment. I think that's what I'll be focusing on with this blog for now: underrated movie gems. And I would love for this to be an interactive discussion also. If there are movies you love that nobody else seems to appreciate, that don't get played on TBS bi-weekly, that didn't win awards, or have been moved to the $5 and under bin at Wal-mart please let us know about them and what makes them special to you.
My first candidate for this category of underrated gems is.....
Son of Rambow
This overlooked British comedy from 2008 is one my favorite films. From the first moments you know you are watching good filmmaking. As the contrast of the main characters is presented so starkly in a matter of seconds you realize what fun this movie is going to have with their eventual friendship. I also find new moments of comedy each time I watch it. If you need a funny, feel good movie with that nostalgic quality of childhood imagination please check this one out.